DiaSoftTM Diamond Manufacturing Solution

About DiaSoftTM Manufacturing

DiaSoftTM is an inventory tracking cum decision support system. It is an end to end ERP package for diamond manufacturing companies. Several thousand mandays of programming have been invested in the creation of this product. With industry experienced people involved with the development, the product has solid roots and has been successfully implemented at various diamond manufacturing companies. DiaSoftTM is very user friendly from the operating point of view and it addresses all the major complexities of the diamond manufacturing industry. It has been built to incorporate all permutations, combinations and possibilities and to address all the needs of diamond manufacturers; it is truly a “digital nervous system”.

Functions / Modules / Features

  •   • Single and Bulk both type of transaction support

    Application is developed for both kind of transaction i.e. it support single packet wise transaction as well as bulk transaction. In single transaction, at any level user can convert single packet stock to bulk stock. As well at any level bulk stock converted to single packet system.

  •   • Link between Office and factories, Data transfer facilities between them

    Data transfer between applications is possible as per requirement even in case more than one application are running at a time. It reduces manual efforts and also human errors.

  •   • Auto mailing

    System is configured to sent auto mail of management reports. As per schedule, Email is automatically sent by application. Schedule is configurable by application administrator.

  •   • Auto SMS

    Some important information like total polished production of the day, dispatch of the day, etc. Can be sent through SMS. As per schedule auto SMS will be generated and authorized person will get that SMS on his mobile.

  •   • Barcode/RFID enabled

  •    • Labor Calculation

    System administrator can configure different methods for different process and as per that labour payable to workers can be auto calculated.

  •   • Idle time calculation

    System automatically calculates worker idle time based on worker attendance and issue and return transactions. Using this we get actual worker production.

  •   • User Access

    Different levels of access authorization are available in application. User can update access master based on access authorization to respective user. Users do not need to give rights individuals, every time new user created or new department is allocated to user.

  •   • User and Department wise Form Securities & User and Terminal wise securities

    User can access specific department of the application and it is possible by giving rights of particular that department. Even application may restrict user to open application from any terminal by applying terminal wise securities.

  •   • User and Report wise securities

    It is possible to give specific reports rights to particular user. It prevent unauthorized access of reports.

  •   • User wise parameter securities

    By applying security on parameter prevent unauthorized access of extra parameter

  •   • User wise filed display utility during transaction

    In transaction form or on packet tracking form, user can change sequence of the fields or hide the field which is not being used in current transaction.

  •   • Load balance

    Department and Entity (Employee) type wise load balancing entry is possible. Department/Employee wise maximum stock limits can be defined in master. Once the limit is processed, system could not permit further issue without approval of authorized person.

  •   • Parameter Tolerance base lock (Single Packet System)
    •     1. As per Tolerance, Prevent Transaction

      As per parameter tolerance setting, user is permitted to change in final plan. Out of tolerance range, user is not permitted to save the planning record.

    •     2. As per Tolerance Lock packet but allowed transaction

      As per parameter tolerance setting user is permitted to change in final plan. Out of tolerance range user is permitted to save the planning record but packet will be locked. Further transaction will be stopped. Now authorized person is able to open lock to carry out packet transaction further.

  •   • Cap on weight loss

    Department/process/employee wise permitted weight loss can be configured in master. The system will not permit issue of tone to next process in case actual loss exceeds the max threshold limits.

  •   • Weight Difference Entry as per the Setting

    Weight difference entry can be done for all the transactions as per the master settings. Weight difference setting is done based on department, process and carats range wise. Normal user is not allowed to make an entry beyond the range of loss.

  •   • Configurable Transaction Setting

    Transaction level setting can be done for all the transactions. Without transaction settings between two departments or employee, transactions cannot be performed between them. User can set how to carry out transaction between the entities and also whether they can enter loss or not. User is allowed to generate top during particular transaction.

  •   • Configurable Process Flow Setting

    As per the process flow configuration, the next process in the transaction will be automatically assigned and accordingly stock will be available for the particular process. Flow may be different for different lots.

  •   • Department and Designation Wise Due Days Limit.

    Employee designation wise due day limit setting is possible. According to the setting if an employee has any packet which is older than the pre-defined limit, then the particular employee will not be able to receive new packets through the system.

  •   • Dynamic Jangad Number Generation Setting for Transaction

    User are authorized to generate own jangad (Print) number series for individual departments. Users are facilitated to generate day, month or year wise jangad number. They can also generate the number department wise as well transaction type wise (Single or Bulk).

  •   • Dynamic Parameters

    Users are able to add new parameters in the application. Due to this dynamic parameter addition facility, new parameters will be automatically displayed in transactions without making any changes in application.

  •   • Dynamic Lot number Generation Method

    Lot numbers will be generated as per the lot generation method pre-defined in the system. User will be able to generate lot numbers based on category, rough type, sight month etc.

  •   • Logical Group Master

    Group master means one logical group of lot, rough type, process, entity etc. Users can create lot groups as per their requirements and use the same in different reports and views. Using these logical groups, users can reduce their efforts of selecting multiple records while filtering a report or view.

  •   • Dynamic Report Generation Facility

    A generic view is given by the system. Using this view, users can generate multiple reports as per the requirement. Provision to store that format is also given to the user. So every time the users don’t have to filter the required fields to generate the same reports.

  •   • Auto Issue of Packets

    Instead of issuing packets to employees individually, users can issue packets together to all the employees of the same process. Ready packets are kept at one location and from that stock; packets are issued to employees as per the requirement.

  •   • Attendance System Linked with Transactions

    There is a linkage between the attendance system and the system. User login is mandatory in the system in this case. If login is not done in system, then that particular employee will not be able to perform transactions. This functionality prevents users from committing mistakes of issuing stock to absent employees.

  •   • Laser Module

    Laser transactions are supported by the system. Users can perform issue return transactions based on machine, Shift, Operator etc. and evaluate Worker, machine and shift wise production and performance.

  •   • Requisition System

    In the requisition system, individual departments have the facility to raise requests of stock required by them to the stock control department. As per the request made by the department, stock control department will issue stock to that department. Using this system we can prevent the stock to get stuck in the processing department.

  •   • Prediction (Grading) System
    •     1. 1. Lot Wise Prediction

      Here the user is supposed to enter lot wise rough prediction details like expected Makeable%, Rejection%, Polish %, Polish carats Color%, Size%, Purity% etc., based on which the planned vs. actual lot result can be compared.

    •     1. 2. Single Packet Wise Prediction

      Packet wise prediction is possible at different levels. User manually adds a new level whenever required. As per this entered prediction, user can make comparison between two different levels.

  •   • Stone Mapping

    There is a provision in the system to map stones at rough level and polish level. At the rough level, planning machines will give various optional plans and all these combinations will be stored by the application for further use. After the stone will be polished it will be evaluated in the planning machines again. All these parameters will be stored in the application along with the image of the stone.

  •   • Stock Closing System (Single Packet System)

    Instead of manually closing the stock, there is a provision to compare the entire stock by barcode. Department wise and employee wise stock tally is possible based on master settings.

  •   • Machine Maintenance Module

    To maintain all machine related information, there is a machine maintenance module. Users can maintain machine buy date, seller, warranty period etc. On daily basis, repairing information of machine is also maintained.

  •   • Opinion System (Single Packet System)

    After rough level planning is done, if the planning is to be changed at any other level then the same is possible through the opinion system.

  •   • Buster Wheel Production

    Here Buster wheel master form is used for buster wheel production. Users assign buster wheel to bruting department employees based on time period. When the employee returns the packet, the time from which the packet was issued to the employee till the time he returns the packet, is considered as its wheel production.

  •   • Demand/Program Follow Up Module (Single Packet System)

    As per the demand, a stone is marked in single packet system. At any stage users can trace the orders that have been fulfilled, ones that are in production and the ones which are not marked yet.

  •   • Estimated Plan Comparison [Price Checking]

    As per current need of diamonds, RapNet price and discount on RapNet price change very frequently. Users have the facility to compare various plans every day for getting best plan among them as per the final rate. Given screen helps them to find out the best plan among them. It also suggests if the selected plan goes as per the demand/program.

  •    • Production Planning & Control

    This module facilitates the diamond manufacturing companies to pre plan their production and set targets for their artisans. Depending on the production done by each of the employee the system calculates the amount of targets achieved by them. Based on this information and pre-defined rules for labor calculation, the system automatically calculates the labor to be given to each employee.

  •    • Employee Performance Evaluation System

    This system is a systematic tool that assesses an individual employee’s job performance and productivity in relation to certain pre-established criteria and organizational objectives taking into consideration other aspects such as employees’ organizational behavior, accomplishments, strengths etc. The system also gives strong reports for employee productivity comparison.

  •   • Meets requirements of DeBeers Forever mark Programs

    DiaSoft addresses all requirements of FM 2001:2008 standard including pipeline integrity training.